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Bulk Email Tool 19: Integrating Rich Text Editor

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  • Notebook: Django: Automating Common Tasks
  • Speaker: Udemy Instructor Rathan Kumar
  • Date Created: Aug. 20, 2024, 5:18 p.m.
  • Owner: Rosilie


The email's body should have a formatting toolbar just like the image below and we can use CKEDITOR with this. This is the same tool we used in our Django Blog and this Digital Notebook website.

1.  See this CKEditor documentation for the details of installation and configuration. 

Install CkEditor in your Django-bash terminal

$ pip install django-ckeditor

2. Add CkEditor in the INSTALLED APPS in SETTINGS.PY


$ python collectstatic

4. Now update the EMAIL model in EMAILS\MODELS.PY,  that will require Rick Text Editor:



5.  Since we have made some changes in our model, run the migration commands.

$ python makemigrations

$ python migrate

6.  Run your Django server and see your admin dashboard Email model to see the effect of CKEditor.

7. Now we want the CKEditor to load as well on our front-end HTML page. When we load the SEND-EMAIL page, this is now the after-result:

8. In the CKEditor, copy the JAVASCRIPTS LINKS and save this in BASE.HTML

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "ckeditor/ckeditor-init.js" %}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" %}"></script>

The CKEditor scripts are showing red-highlighted symbols or words. This is because of the  double " " used in the line. So modify it as:

9. Now refresh our SEND-EMAIL page and the Rich Field Toolbar should show up:

10. The CKEditor has a default size window which can be resizeable but if you want a different height, we can configure it as:

So, go to SETTINGS.PY and add the above configuration block.

Reload the page and you can see the complete tools with a height. Take note that we can resize the window using the bottom right corner.

11. Showing a complete toolbar would be too much, so we simplify it by using the default and with reduced height.

12. However, when we send the emails, we will be receiving it with HTML tags.

Checking our email:

13.Go to your SEND_EMAIL function in EMAILS\VIEWS.PY and press CTRL + click the link on the SEND_EMAIL_TASK to bring you to the function.

In EMAILS\TASKS.PY, press CTROL + LEFT CLICK on  our SEND_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION function to bring us to another function:

In DATAENTRY\UTILS.PY, we update our function to show that the email body is sent as HTML without the HTML tags.

14. We have to reload our CELERY bash terminal code since we have made some changes in our Celery function. Press CTRL + C to stop it from running:

We encountered an error: CKEditor  MODULE NOT FOUND Error, so we installed it as well:

$ pip install django-ckeditor

15. Sending our email again,

In our email:

16. Push our changes in Github.


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Notebook Details
Title: Django: Automating Common Tasks
Category: Coding