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Teaching Binary Code using Legos

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  • Notebook: Teaching Middle School
  • Speaker: Personal
  • Date Created: Nov. 26, 2023, 6:22 p.m.
  • Owner: Rosilie

In celebration of Computer Science Education Week on December 4-10, 2023, I wanted to engage our middle school students in a binary code challenge where they code a message using the ASCII table and some Lego blocks. 

I have used a RED LEGO block to represent ON (1), and a WHITE LEGO block to represent OFF (0).  

I found an enjoyable and amazing PDF resource from  as well where students can create their binary bracelets following the binary bit patterns of an ASCII table.

I cant wait to see our school participate and celebrate CS Ed Week!


Open the attached PDF file here.

Notebook Details
Title: Teaching Middle School
Category: Education