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Part 1: Setting Up Your AWS account

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  • Notebook: Deployment
  • Speaker: Personal
  • Date Created: Dec. 16, 2023, 5:18 p.m.
  • Owner: Rosilie

Image: CC - BY

References: Udemy Course (Python Django E-commerce)

Amazon Deployment guide 


1. Create an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Sign-up, and choose the Free Account.

2. Under Services, we would work on RDS for the PostgresSQL database for production (SQLlite was used during development) and Elastic Beanstalk, Route 53 (for domain & etc)

3. Create an IAm (Identity & Access Management) User in AWS. There are 2 users in AWS, the root and the application users (IAm user). With IAM user role, it distinguishes different users and their unique roles in the project. Using the root user is not recommended for security reasons. Do this under your account, then 'Security Credentials.'

4. Set Administrative Access to your IAm user and download this the user details (csv file to your local device_)

5. Set AWS Free Tier  & AWS Budget. Here we use for 12 months,  the free monthly Amazon Compute EC2 Instance (750 hours), Storage S3 (5 GB), Database RDS (750 hours). We use the free version with the allotted free hours (24 hours * 31 days=744 hours). So, not to go beyond the allotted free hours, you can set the budget. If you dont want to pay extra, delete the instance before the free plan expires.

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Notebook Details
Title: Deployment
Category: Coding