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Car Listing: Pagination Part 8

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  • Notebook: Django Project: Car Listing
  • Speaker: Udemy Instructor Rathan Kumar
  • Date Created: July 17, 2024, 12:45 a.m.
  • Owner: Rosilie

1. Use a Django package PAGINATOR to enable page activity.

2.  Update the CARS\VIEWS.PY

3. Run your CARS.HTML 

4. To activate the PAGE BUTTONS, go to CARS.HTML, 



Checks if there is a previous page:

Depending on how car items per page is displayed, it can show several page numbers, the loop below will do this:

Checks if there is a next page:

The entire pagination code block should be:

5. Run the server.


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Notebook Details
Title: Django Project: Car Listing
Category: Udemy Django Course